That’s why each year on April 22, more than one billion people around the world celebrate Earth Day. As we become more aware of the effects of global warming, teaching children the importance of Earth Day is a step towards finding solutions as they will be our legacy and the caretakers of our planet in years to come.
This year, we are rallying behind the theme “Invest In Our Planet”, which highlights the importance of dedicating our time, resources, and energy to solving climate change and other environmental issues. Investing in our planet is necessary to protect it and the best way to pave a path towards a prosperous future. Learn more from EarthDay.Org
We’ve collected some fun and engaging Earth Day ideas and activities that will help you and your family do your collective part all year long!
Please note — Some of the suggested materials used in the activities below may not be safe for all ages.
- Homemade toys are to be checked regularly for safety and require adult supervision when in use.
- Avoid choking hazards for small children. As a guide, anything small enough to fit through a paper towel roll opening is unsafe for young children (buttons, bottle caps, etc.)
- Be aware of allergy warnings on packaging or products that you are using. Public health recommends that egg cartons or toilet paper rolls are not used with children — try substituting muffin trays or paper towel/gift wrap rolls for these items instead.
Family Day Resources – Posters you can download and print
Earth Rangers!
Earth Rangers is a charity that transforms children’s concerns about the environment into positive action. Through a variety of programs and content, Earth Rangers can empower kids to become environmental leaders at home, in school and in their communities. From organizing shoreline clean-ups, to creating backyard animal habitats, to reducing food waste and energy consumption at home, our members are committed to leaving the world better than they found it – and having a whole lot of fun doing it.
About Earth Rangers – Find out more about Earth Rangers and their programs
Eco-Anxiety Resources – Kids’ concerns about the environment are real. With the right support, so is their ability to act.
Plant Trees in Your Local Community
Planting trees with your local community is just one way to invest your time and energy to helping to restore the planet. Help One Tree Planted plant trees and restore your local environment as part of their Earth Month efforts! Visit and read about One Tree Planted events already set up for Brampton, Caledon and Halton Hills with additional dates and communities are still to be added!
What is a Pollinator Garden?
Plan and create a Pollinator Garden this spring!
Recycled Art and Game Ideas
Recycling Scavenger Hunt
Recycled Nature Wind Chimes
Recycled TIC TAC TOE on the GO
Kids vs Plastic – National Geographic Kids
Learn more about how you can fight plastic pollution on our planet at National Geographic Kids using the downloadable tool kits provided.
Watch Kids vs Plastics video clips and have fun making do-it-yourself crafts that will help reduce your use of plastics.
Read Aloud: How to Help the Earth – by the Lorax (with Tish Rabe)
You and your family can make a difference this Earth Day and every day moving forward, with the help of this informative book. The Lorax takes you on an information journey from what happens to garbage after it is put in the waste bin to easy tips and suggestions for how you and your family can go green by donating used items and clothing! Asking “How you can live like the Lorax?” is a great way to start a conversation, listen and share ideas, and make a plan for change within your household! This book is recommended for Preschool/Kindergarten children.
DIY Bug Hotel
Bugs are a very important part of our ecosystem. Why not use items from your backyard and create a habitat for these little critters? Red Ted Art offers lots of information about different bug habitats and a step-by-step guide to making your own bug hotel.
Earth Day Resource Kit from Childhood by Nature
As part of your family’s celebration of Earth Day, we believe you can’t go wrong in helping a child strengthen their connection with nature. A connection with nature is one of the vital ingredients for caring & advocating for our planet. Nature connection creates a sense of belonging to the wider natural world as part of a larger community of nature. Understanding that we are a part of nature’s larger community is critical to conserving it!
Earth Day Challenge
Why not challenge yourself, your family, friends and co-workers with this Earth Day Challenge from Teach Go Green. Here are 30 Earth Day challenge ideas for busy people who care about the environment. Pick one or two of these or try all of them! These ideas are super simple and meant to create small habits for lasting change.
Here are 52 actions and tips to make a difference, every day of the year.
(From EarthDay.Org)
10 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day
How do you take care of the planet? Check out The Old Farmer’s Almanac for information that might be helpful when trying to understand our role in taking care of the planet.
From ways to attract pollinators to tips on how we can switch to eco-friendly household products, each section has links to facts, information, and fun activities for all ages.
Homemade Beeswax Reusable Wraps
Looking for ways to reduce the amount of plastic you use? Good Housekeeping provides instructions for making homemade, resusable, beeswax wraps!
Earth Day Celebrations | National Geographic Kids
National Geographic Kids has some great child-friendly activities, “Did you know?” facts and information on the origin of Earth Day to help with the conservation of resources and repurposing of recyclable items.
Earth Day Nature Walk Ideas
There is no better way to celebrate Earth Day than by getting outdoors. Providing opportunities for your little ones to experience hands-on play in nature. This site will give your family some simple ideas for exploring while you walk.
Make Your Own Birdfeeder!
Make your own birdfeeder to attract some curious birds! They are simple to make using an empty tennis ball container, milk carton, or even a plastic take-out container. If you have any wooden skewers on hand these are great to create perches. Click on the link above for more recyclables to use for your homemade birdfeeder.
40 New Uses for Things you were going to Throw Away
Good Housekeeping has compiled a list of 40 new uses for things you were going to throw away. See a variety of ways to repurpose everyday household items such as egg cartons (can be substituted with muffin trays), toilet paper rolls (can be substituted with paper towel or gift wrap rolls), disposable coffee cups, and water bottles just click here.
Simple Garden Projects to do with Children
Spring is here and the warm weather is just around the corner. This link from the Old Farmers’ Almanac is full of easy garden projects to do with children. There are fun facts and activities for every level of gardener.