The caregiver develops a well-rounded program for children by combining indoor and outdoor activities. Family Day contracts with caregivers who provide child care for children from infancy to 12 years of age, with a maximum of six child care children (no more than three children under two years of age).
Family Day is a licensed child care agency under the Child Care and Early Years Act 2014 (CCEYA). Our Home Child Care program operates in the following areas:
- Peel Region: Brampton, Mississauga, Bolton
- York Region: Markham (south of Major Mackenzie), Thornhill (east of Bathurst), Richmond Hill (east of Bathurst, south of Major Mackenzie)
- Toronto: Scarborough, North York (east of Leslie), East York (north of Danforth)

Please see our Home Child Care Family Handbook and our Home Child Care Policies webpages.
Interested in joining our waitlist? CLICK HERE for instructions on how to enter your child(ren) on our online waitlist. The instructions will guide you to our online Parent Portal and provide you with the information you need to create an account, enter information for your child and indicate which sites and programs you want to go on the waitlist for.
If you need further information or assistance, you can also speak with one of our Child Care Services representatives by calling 416-922-3434 | 1-800-263-9703, or emailing, between 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Should they be unable to take your call, please leave a message and they will respond as soon as possible.
Watch our “Home Care” video
You may qualify for a child care subsidy. Contact the Children’s Services in the area you live for more information and to apply: City of Toronto | Region of Peel | Region of York
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Licensed Home Child Care?
- Caregivers are screened, approved and monitored by Family Day’s Home Child Care Coordinators.
- The Ministry of Education inspects Family Day and some home child care locations at least once a year to make sure that requirements of the CCEYA are met.
- Fee assistance (subsidy) may be available to eligible families.
- In our Toronto program, Family Day provides integrated home child care for children ages six months to 12 years who have diagnosed developmental delays.
How does a child benefit from Family Day home child care?
- A smaller “family-style” setting can help some children feel more comfortable.
- Siblings of varied ages can attend the same caregiver home
- A child’s individual needs may be more easily met in a smaller group setting.
- Children in the home develop close relationships with each other and with the caregiver.
- Children participate in outings to the library, park, EarlyON Child & Family Centres and Family Day playgroups.
How do parents benefit from Family Day home child care?
- Home child care may be able to accommodate more flexible hours of care which may be required by shift workers.
- On the first visit to a caregiver home, parents are accompanied by a Family Day Home Child Care Coordinator, who assists with the interview process.
- Parents and caregivers work together to develop consistent standards of care and behaviour between the family home and the caregiver home.
- Parents have regular access to resources and support from Family Day staff.
What Can I Expect From a Home Child Care Provider?
- Family Day’s Home Child Care Coordinators provide ongoing support to the caregiver, the parents and the children in care.
- Caregivers have access to ongoing training in child development, first aid, nutrition and programming through “I Care for Kids, I Care for Quality,” a six-part home study guide for caregivers to review and improve the quality of care they provide in their home. Each part of the guide represents a standard of quality based on research and carefully selected best practices to support the healthy growth and development of children.
- Caregivers and children attend Family Day playgroups, EarlyON Child & Family Centres and enjoy community outings.
- Family Day assists caregivers in providing fun, age-appropriate daily early learning activities for the children.
- Family Day monitors the child care homes for safety and cleanliness and ensures that all homes are in compliance with the CCEYA.
- Caregivers and all adults living in the caregiver home are required to have a vulnerable sector check; everyone in the caregiver home has appropriate immunizations and a TB test.
- All licensed caregiver homes are smoke-free.
- Caregivers have a current Standard First Aid Infant and Child CPR