By Family Day Care

Welcome 2017

It is my pleasure to welcome all new and returning children and their families to our programs. As parents, your choice of child care is a very important decision. Naturally, you are concerned about your child’s education and safety within the school and child care environments. Thank you for choosing a Family Day program and putting your trust in us.

Family Day is a multi-service early learning organization with services in both centre-based care and licensed home child care. The agency is also very strong in family-centred practice and offers family support programs in Ontario Early Years locations, AOK (All Our Kids) programs in York Region, and other programs funded through The United Way. In addition, we have Integration Coordinators who support children with exceptional needs in the Every Child Belongs program in the City of Toronto.

You will find the Family Day Handbook and Program Statement in your welcome package and on our website. I encourage you to become familiar with both of these documents as they constitute our commitment to you and to your children.

At Family Day, we encourage agency-family partnerships and value them as a way of working within our communities. Each year we conduct an online survey and we would appreciate your feedback. We also invite you to join us for curriculum nights and parent groups.

Cheers, Joan